Garnetbank residency

Artist in Residence at Garnetbank Primary

I was the artist in residence at Garnetbank Primary School for the academic year (22/23).
Access the blog HERE.

 The residency ran from October 2022 to June 2023 and Emma developed and delivered a  series of creative and collaborative workshops with pupils at the school focused on movement and identity. Based on themes of ‘Celebrating Culture, Diversity and Language’ , this residency concluded with a public exhibition and a school festival at the beginning of June. The public exhibition included the film (below), an installation containing the ceramics (above) and a large vinyl score on the floor (a score drawn by the children). The festival included these elements and also live performances by the children, for parents and guests at the school’s multicultural festival.


Behind the scenes on our filming day in May 2023. Photos by Harald Turek:

We made this film with Harald Turek. 'Only Together Can We Nurture Our Community' is a phrase developed by the children, and translated into some of the school's many languages, as sampled in the track. Music by Mariam El Sadr. They also created this score (dance map) on the floor of the school hall, in vinyl, to depict movements developed on the same theme; community.